“Do we have a blowtorch?” I yelled down the stairs to my husband. “WHAT!?” he responded as he came quickly up the stairs with fear of what I was up to now. I preceded to explain to him that all we needed to make our own HoneyBaked Ham for Easter was a blowtorch to carmalize the outside. He was game! I typically make a more “citrusy” ham, however per my husband’s request, I am changing it up a little and making a HoneyBaked Ham this Easter instead. Yes, there is a HoneyBaked Ham store just down the road from us a few miles (I can hear my dad asking me), but I am one of those… you know who like to make things difficult sometimes. For some reason I get a thrill from being able to make something I love at home. I know… I’m crazy!
- 2 cups white granulated sugar
- 1 teaspoon onion powder
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon nutmeg (freshly ground if possible)
- 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1/2 teaspoon ground clove
- 1/2 teaspoon paprika
- 1 bone-in spiral sliced pre-cooked ham
- blowtorch or other heating device
1. In a small mixing bowl combine sugar, ginger, clove, paprika, onion powder, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Mix well.
2. Place aluminum foil on a cookie sheet, cover the pan with the foil, this prevents having burnt sugar on your pan. Place ham, open meat side down onto the pan. Sprinkle with the seasoned sugar mixture press sugar onto the outside of the ham. (*Note: You may not use all of the seasoned sugar mixture.)
3. Gently heat the seasoned sugar mixture on the ham (a small blowtorch works best). Wave the flame quickly over the sugar, you want the sugar to brown, but not burn. Stay in one area, and move out from there slowly, this will make the process easier because you will be heating the sugar in a continual direction. This whole process will take about 15 minutes; patience required. You can sprinkle more sugar on top of the already browned parts of the ham and make the crust thicker.
4. When you finish, you can then either reheat the ham or serve it cold when you are ready to eat.